Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Organization control or not?

Well it was one of those nights where I stayed up to late.  Oh well.  Those times happen.  Just getting into the groove of planning meals for school time and organizing house to start homeschooling soon.  Bedrooms moved around and lists made.  An ongoing process isn't it?  
I'm finding in this ongoing process I am learning more as the kids get older and what works and doesn't work.  In my brain it's all organized and laid out and would be perfect, but then you throw in the process of actually doing it with 6 little bodies who want things a certain way and don't want things another way.  Oh what a lesson in letting go of control as a mom.  :)  One more footprint in the sand.  :)  

Me... starting a blog? Who knew. :)

I'm not quite sure why I'm starting a blog.  Maybe only to write and get my thoughts out.  Hmmm It is interesting where journeys take us isn't it.  

I was just reflecting today about where I have been with the Lord and my family over the past few years and what changes and footprints I have left in the sand.  There have been many.  Some joyful ones that have brought laughter and wonder, and some very hard journey's that I have been carried through.  But all of it has brought me closer to my Jesus!  And taught me more about myself.  Oh so much!  So here I am blogging away and will try to continue to write as these journeys continue and as life takes more turns and leaves more footprints in the sand.  But always trying to remember to look to my Jesus for the next step to be taken.  Sometimes that is not so easy, but it is what it is.